Conceptual Metaphor In Online News: A Case Study Of Iraq's Political Situation

نوع المستند : أبحاث علمیة


1 کلية الأداب , جامعة طنطا

2 أستاذ اللغويات کلية الآداب- جامعة طنطا

3 مدرس الأدب الإنجليزي کلية الآداب- جامعة طنطا


The function of Metaphor has been developed from being an aesthetic tool that depends on comparisons and hyperboles into a mechanism that conveys the author's ideas and beliefs. As life moves towards more practical and materialistic approaches, the aesthetic role of a metaphor becomes more practical. In this regard, the present study aims at highlighting and the use of cognitive metaphor in the Iraqi political context in media. The study highlights and analyzes the main aspects and elements of cognitive metaphors in Iraqi political discourse in media. In this regard, the study adopts an analytical approach for defining and analyzing the aspects of cognitive metaphors adopted in the Iraqi political discourse in different media sources. In addition, the study presents a quantitative part that introduces a statical study of the use of cognitive metaphor in the Iraqi political discourse in media

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