Problems in Translating Gender-Related Terms in The Holy Quran

نوع المستند : أبحاث علمیة


1 كلية الأداب, جامعة طنطا

2 استاذ الأدب الإنجليزي ورئيس قسم اللغة الانجليزية كلية الآداب_ جامعة طنطا

3 استاذ اللغة العربية كلية الآداب _ جامعة طنطا

4 مدرس الترجمة بقسم اللغة الانجليزية كلية الآداب_ جامعة طنطا


The current research aims to investigate the effect of Bakhtiar's feminine gender on her translation of gender-related terms in The Holy Quran. It also attempts to reveal the extent to which her translation is faithful. For achieving the aims of the research, a sample analysis of Bakhtiar's translation of some selected gender-related verses that serve the purposes of the study is conducted based on a selected integrated model of analysis. This model draws mainly on Newmark's plan of translation criticism and suggested translation methods (1988), Von Flotow's feminist translation strategies (1991), and Baker's model of translation strategies (2011). Besides, Al-Hilali and Khan's translation of The Holy Quran (1983) is used as a benchmark against which Bakhtiar's translation is compared and judged. Study findings demonstrate that the translator's feminine gender project a huge influence on her lexical choices and adopted translation methods and strategies. This leads her to manipulate the source text  and produce an inaccurate and unfaithful translation of it.

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