Representation, Symbolism, Acoustic Clues and Proper Nouns as Mechanisms of Colonial Resistance in Ciaran Carson’s poetry

نوع المستند : أبحاث علمیة


1 كلية الاداب جامعة طنطا

2 جامعة طنطا


Ciaran Carson’s poetry is considered revolutionary and resistant to colonial tyranny. As his poetic verses reveal his resistance to atrocious brutalities, his poetical strategies assert his uniqueness in dealing with his nation’s anguish and trauma. In this respect, his poetic forms vary to resist colonial hegemony subverting its power, in addition to voicing his agonized Irish people. His tactics of poetry demonstrate how he undermines the old colonial myths that disfigured his nation’s image by depicting the actual image of colonial oppression. As a resisting writer, his poetic techniques unravel his duty of recovering and asserting his national culture. Therefore, his poetic tactics give Carson the opportunity to construct a new identity that resists the colonial authority, so proclaiming his Irishness. Thus, this paper will bring to light such poetical forms whereby he shows the terrible dilemma of his nation such as representation, symbolism, acoustic clues and proper nouns. In this respect, his poetic mechanisms reinforce what Said states that the role of resisting writers is to “reclaim, rename, reinhabit the land” (Culture and Imperialism 226).

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